Summer Highs and Summer Lows

This summer was looking real bright at the start of it. Almost a month since I got out of school and it feels like I’ve spent the whole time fighting Mike Tyson in his prime. I’m my own worst enemy. 

I fucked up. I forgot to turn in one of the final projects for the most important class of this whole first year of college. I didn’t realize how big of a mistake it was until a week ago when I logged into my student portal and saw the F next to the “Intro to Computer Science” course I completed.  With a quickness I emailed my professor and advisor to see what had happened, but there was nothing to do other than accept the fact that I am an idiot and pursue options to to retake the course this summer. It’s going to cost me $1200 to retake this class, I am actually the dumbest person I know. The worst part about everything is that I didn’t turn it in because I went to see Endgame on the night the project was due, watching Tony Stark die on opening weekend was not worth failing the class. I was devastated at first but then disappointed with myself for being such an idiot. I’m past it and the only thing I can do now is do it right when I retake it. 

Not everything has been terrible. My little sister graduated from high school this past week and I can not be any more proud of her. She graduated top twenty in her class with honors. She is the better version of me and is an accurate representation of what it means to be royalty. There is nothing she can’t do and she continues to impress me with her devotion and pride to herself and what she values. Her future is bright and I am certain that she is not only a gift to me and my family but to the world as well.

I started my summer course at MCC this week and it’s refreshing to have something to do other than work over the summer. It’s a break from my boring routine even though it’s been a slow start to the class. The professor is a swell old man and he know what he is talking about he constantly interjects with new facts and small histories over what the discussion is in class. Right now I feel that it will be a tough course but I’m not worried, I think that if I do things different and do what is expected then I can succeed.